2023-2024 Graduate Catalog w/ June Addendum 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog w/ June Addendum [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Policies and Disclosures

These are some University policies that guide the conduct of the student, faculty, and staff. Additional details can be found in the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and Employee Handbook.

Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA)


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, (FERPA), is a Federal law that ensures the privacy of a student’s education records. It applies to all educational institutions, including colleges and universities, that receive federal funds under any program administered by the US Department of Education. 

FERPA provides college students the general rights to:

  • Control the disclosure of their education records to others except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent;
  • Inspect and review their own education records; and
  • The ability to review and amend errors in their education records.


Eligible Student. An “eligible student” whose records are protected under FERPA is an individual 18 years of age or older or who is currently enrolled, or was enrolled, in a HU credit-bearing course at any age.

Education Records. Those records that are: (1) directly related to a student; and (2) maintained by HU. A record is directly related to a student if it contains personally identifiable information (PII) or enough tangential information that would allow a reasonable person within the HU community to identify the student. Examples of education records include but are not limited to:

  • Financial aid and account information
  • Transcripts and class schedules
  • Housing agreements
  • Disability accommodation records
  • Disciplinary records/grade appeals
  • Athletic records (if not deemed directory information).

Education records do not normally include (but can become FERPA protected if shared):

  • Sole Possession Records. Records kept in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record. 
  • Law Enforcement Records (including non-commissioned security officers). 
  • Employment Records. However, records of an employee who is employed by HU as a result of his or her status as a student ARE education records such as work-study students, graduate teaching assistants, and Resident Advisors (RAs).
  • Alumni Records. Alumni records must be created or received by HU after an individual is no longer a student and are not directly related to the individual’s attendance as a student unless the record falls within directory information. A student that opted out of sharing director information as of graduation remains in an opt out status unless it is updated.
  • Treatment/Medical Records. Treatment/Medical records are specifically excluded as protected FERPA records under HIPAA. However, state confidentiality rules still apply to treatment professionals. Treatment records may become subject to FERPA if forwarded and used by others for the student’s benefit such as documenting a disability for purposes of an academic accommodation. Treatment records are:
    • Made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in a professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity;
    • Made, maintained, or used only in connection with treatment of the student; AND
    • Disclosed only to individuals providing the treatment.

School Official: Any person employed by HU in any administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support Staff position (including security and health services Staff); any person or company with whom HU has contracted to provide a service to or on behalf of HU (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); or any student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

Legitimate Educational Interest. A School Official has a “legitimate educational interest” if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill the official’s professional responsibilities as specified in their position description or as stated in a contractual agreement with a third party acting as an agent for HU.

Written consent: The election by a student of individuals, such as a parent or guardian, for the granting of access to the student’s educational records. When granting consent, a student should specify the records that may be disclosed (or generically all of HU education records); the purpose for which they may be disclosed (for general information to assist me with his or her college experience) and the persons to whom they may be disclosed (parents, guardians, employer, etc.).

Student’s Right to Review and Request Amendment of FERPA Records.

All students have the right to view their education records. Students should submit in writing any request to review their education records to the Records and Registration office and identify which records are to be inspected. Within 45 days of receiving a request, Records and Registration will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. Records that are customarily open for student inspection will be accessible without written request. Records will not be copied or mailed.

If a student believes his or her records are inaccurate, he or she can submit a written request to HU’s Records and Registration office to amend his or her education records that identifies the records to be amended and the basis for the alleged inaccuracies. Records and Registration will notify a student of its decision and, if the decision is negative, provide additional information regarding a student’s right to appeal the decision. The FERPA process is not a substitute for a grade appeal only the recorded inaccuracy of a grade issued.

Disclosure without a Student’s Consent

FERPA permits HU officials to disclose educational records and certain information to parents, or others, without consent of the student under certain circumstances:

  • During a health or safety emergency to protect the student or other individuals;
  • Any record to the parent when the student is a dependent for federal income tax purposes;
  • Law enforcement unit records, including outside law enforcement authorities;
  • Parental information when a student under 21 has violated any law or HU policy concerning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Directory Information

Directory information is contained in the educational records of a student that is not generally considered to be harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Consequently, it can normally be released without the need to obtain a student’s consent.

HU defines directory information as:

  • student’s name
  • both permanent and temporary addresses
  • email address
  • telephone number(s)
  • class year, program of study
  • enrollment status
  • dates of attendance
  • degree(s) and/or awards received
  • photograph
  • previous educational institution attended
  • participation in officially recognized University activities
  • eSports Statistics

Students wishing to have their directory information withheld can do so but must notify Records and Registration in writing or by the completion of a FERPA Disclosure of Directory Information form located on MyHU. A request to withhold directory information will preclude HU from providing a student’s directory information to prospective employers, professional organizations, the media, and others with whom you may wish HU to share such information. However, this information will still be available to school officials with a legitimate education interest.

A student may opt out from sharing directory information at any time, but it will be effective prospectively only. 

HU Privacy Notice

HU is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who share personal data with it and in addition to the protections afforded under FERPA, HU has adopted a Privacy Notice that outlines HU’s collection, use, and disclosure of information provided by prospective students, students, or third parties. A copy of HU’s Privacy Notice is available on its webpage at:  https://www.harrisburgu.edu/privacy/

The Right to File a FERPA Complaint

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by HU to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: 

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

For additional information on FERPA: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/reg/ferpa/index.html

Campus Crime and Security Disclosure

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires the distribution of an annual security report and an annual fire safety report on or before October 1 to all current faculty, staff, and students and notice of its availability to prospective students, faculty, and staff. The annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes as identified by the Clery Act that occurred on campus or property owned or controlled by the University, and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as: crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual harassment and assault, domestic violence, timely warnings, and other safety and security matters including public, private, and University resources that are available to the University community.

The University’s current Clery Report is available on its website at https://harrisburgu.edu/disclosures/.

The Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Disclosure

Harrisburg University does not tolerate hazing, whether occurring on or off campus. Students who engage in this behavior may face disciplinary action from HU, and may also face criminal charges under state law, including The Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law. This law requires Pennsylvania institutions to adopt a written policy against hazing and “adopt rules prohibiting students or other persons associated with an organization operating under the sanction of, or recognized as an organization by, a University from engaging in hazing or other identifiable offenses. It also requires the publishing of five years worth of hazing offenses on a bi-annual basis. The University’s current antihazing report is available on its website at https://harrisburgu.edu/disclosures/.

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Survey (EADA) was designed to make current and prospective students and  current and prospective student athletes aware of an institution of higher education’s commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for its men and women students. The EADA requires the disclosure of information about varsity teams and the financial resources and personnel that the school dedicates to those teams. The EADA requires any coeducational institution of higher education that participates in Title IV, the federal student aid program, and has an intercollegiate athletics program, to comply with the EADA by preparing an annual report, officially called The Report on Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data; more commonly known as the EADA Report. The report is published annually for public inspection, no later than October 15th. As required by law, this report was electronically circulated to each HU student and is maintained at HU’s publicly accessible webpage for current and prospective students at https://harrisburgu.edu/disclosures/.

Electronic Mail Communication Policy

Policy Statement - Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the University may send official communications to faculty, staff and students by e-mail to an account assigned by the University with the full expectation that such e-mails will be read by the recipient on a frequent and consistent basis and in a timely fashion.

Reason for Policy - The University must be able to communicate quickly and efficiently with faculty, staff, and enrolled students in order to conduct official University business. E-mail is an available and appropriate medium for such communication. Official communications may include policy announcements, registration and billing information, regulatory compliance disclosures, emergency notifications, and other information of a critical or timely nature. Faculty, staff and students may not opt out from receiving official University e-mail communications.

Assignment of E-mail Accounts - Students and employees are assigned an account in the HarrisbugU.edu domain. The account is designated as the “[FiLastname]@HarrisburgU.edu” or “[Student FiMiLastname]@My.HarrisburgU.edu” e-mail account. [The addressee protocol may vary slightly in the event of Initials/Name duplication]. The e-mail account is generated by Information Technology Services and may not be changed without University approval. University communications that are sent by e-mail will be sent to the University-supported e-mail account.

Responsibilities - Faculty, staff, and students are expected to review messages received through the University-supported e-mail account on a frequent and consistent basis. Communications may be time-critical. Individuals shall use the e-mail account for all University-related e-mail communications. Faculty shall use the University-supported account for e-mail communication with a student and, conversely, the student shall respond to faculty communications or requests using the University-supported e-mail account, and no other email address will be used for official HU business.

Forwarding of E-mail - An individual who chooses to forward e-mail received on a Harrisburg University e-mail account to a different e-mail address risks loss of data integrity. The University is not responsible for e-mail, including attachments, forwarded to any e-mail address not supported by the University.

Third-Party, Web-Based [Cloud] Computer Records Policy

Policy Statement - It is the policy of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology that any and all user-generated content developed during the use of third-party, web-based (referred to as “cloud-based”) technologies used in the classroom or coursework, which could include cloud-based instructional tools, cloud-based teaching and learning environments, and cloud-based server storage, is the property of the individual faculty, student, or staff who developed the content and that the University is not responsible, and shall be held harmless, for any theft, damage, manipulation or loss that may be incurred as a result of the failure by the third party to properly maintain or safeguard that content.

Reason for Policy - The University encourages and supports the use of new instructional tools and emerging technologies in open, digital teaching and learning environments. The use of web-based applications and cloud-based storage also bring new concerns about intellectual property and privacy. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is the federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. Generally, any work related to a course or program of study created by the individual is considered a part of the “student’s education record.” Accordingly, any work related to a course or program of study should not include personally identifiable information of the individual. Examples of “personally identifiable information” are: an individual’s full name (if not common), Social Security number, date of birth, birthplace, face or fingerprints, credit card numbers, driver’s license number, vehicle registration plate number, digital identity, or grades. Any of these data, when combined with other personal information, may identify an individual. Users of third-party, web-based technologies are strongly cautioned to avoid posting personally identifiable information in any computerized application.

A license agreement permits the University to provide access through its servers for the student to utilize the Microsoft OneDrive cloud-based computer server storage utility to store the student’s ePortfolio during the period of enrollment in a program of study. The University requires that each degree-seeking undergraduate student develop an ePortfolio. An ePortfolio is defined as: An organized, media-rich collection of documents, videos, and other exhibits that allows the student to demonstrate competence to a multitude of audiences. Additionally, faculty, students, or staff are provided access to and use other web-based technologies and social media where user-generated content is stored.

The individual user of a third-party, web-based technology application, when establishing an account, is required to agree to the conditions of a Terms of Service or End-User Agreement, whereby the individual user accepts full responsibility for all content maintained in the application. Furthermore, the user agrees to a condition that, in no event will the software manufacturer be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, economic, compensatory, or consequential, arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or user documentation. Accordingly, the user is solely and exclusively responsible for any and all content.

Action Subsequent to Completion of a Program of Study or Termination of a Period of Employment - Any and all documents, videos, and other exhibits accumulated in an ePortfolio or other file, folder or collection by an individual who utilizes a third-party, cloud-based application or storage utility during a program of study or period of employment will no longer be accessible through the University’s servers following the completion of the program of study or termination of a period of employment. Direct access to the materials held by the provider is conditional upon the Terms of Service or End-User Agreement accepted by the individual when the account was established.

Equal Opportunity

The University is committed to assuring equal opportunity to all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, veteran or handicap status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, activities, admissions, or employment practices as dictated by University policy and as required by federal statutes (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and any other applicable anti-discrimination statutes, including those of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Human Relations Act of 1955 (PHRA) and the Pennsylvania Fair Educational Opportunities Act of 1961 (PFEOA)).

Student inquiries concerning compliance and information regarding Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, PFEOA, Section 504, campus accessibility, or ADA accommodations should contact the Office of Student Services.

Faculty and staff inquiries concerning compliance and information regarding Title IX, Title VII, PHRA, Section 504, campus accessibility, or ADA accommodations should contact the Office of Human Resources.

Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy

To ensure compliance with Title IX and other federal and state civil rights laws, HU has developed a Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy (harrisburgu.edu/wp-content/uploads/Sexual-Misconduct-Policy-August-2020.pdf) that prohibits discrimination and sexual misconduct on the basis of sex, or gender expression. Title IX requires HU to respond and take action to address sex-based discrimination and harassment complaints. This includes sexual misconduct complaints related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Therefore, upon receiving a complaint, HU will, without bias or conflict:

  • Investigate what happened;
  • Implement interim measures when appropriate during the investigation to prevent the potential of any further discrimination or harassment; and
  • Take appropriate steps to resolve the matter in an effort to eliminate the discrimination/harassment, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.
  • The procedures in HU’s Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy (harrisburgu.edu/wp-content/uploads/Sexual-Misconduct-Policy-August-2020.pdf) outline HU’s ability to receive, investigate, and resolve complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics. These procedures are designed to provide a supportive process for individuals who report discrimination and to ensure a fair process for individuals who are accused of discriminatory conduct. Internal investigation of allegations of discriminatory treatment or systemic discriminatory practices is intended to ensure that HU meets its commitment to an open and inclusive educational and employment environment. These procedures also describe HU efforts to conduct a timely, thorough, and fair investigation, as required by law.

HU’s staff who participates in this process are trained (harrisburgu.edu/wp-content/uploads/Title-IX-Training-Reference-Materials.pdf) concerning the obligations of their roles as outlined within Title IX.

HU’s policy also complies with the federal Violence Against Women Act Amendments to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crimes Statistics Act (www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/20/1092), and the accompanying regulations (collectively referred to as VAWA).

Lastly, Title IX prohibits retaliation for asserting or otherwise participating in claims of sex discrimination. VAWA imposes additional duties on universities and colleges to investigate and respond to reports of sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, and to publish policies and procedures related to the way these reports are handled. HU has designated the Title IX Coordinator to coordinate HU’s compliance with Title IX and VAWA, and to respond to reports of violations.

For information on the University’s Title IX/Sexual Misconduct policy, or to file a report, please see the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct website: https://harrisburgu.edu/title-ix-sexual-misconduct-policy-reporting/.

Non-Discrimination Statute - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Fair Educational Opportunities Act of 1961 provides student access to benefits and services of the University and prohibits discrimination without regard to race, color, gender, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, age, civil union, marital status, veteran status, handicap or disability, perceived handicap or disability, relationship or association with an individual with a handicap or disability, use of a guide or support animal, and/or handling or training of support or guide animals. This statutory obligation includes, but is not limited to, admissions, course offerings, transfer of credit, financial aid, scholarships, student employment, internships, educational and social programs, and student advisement and counseling.

Any complaint of an alleged act of discrimination can be filed by contacting the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC), 1101-1125 Front Street, 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17110-2123 or by calling (717) 787-4410. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the incident. Complaint forms can also be obtained at the PHRC’s website: https://www.phrc.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Emergency Notification System

When HU becomes aware of incidents that, in the judgment of HU’s senior leadership, constitute an ongoing threat to the campus community, an Emergency Alert or a Timely Warning will be issued to notify the HU community. Depending on the circumstances, a timely warning or emergency alert will be issued without delay and the information may be further disseminated by using one or a combination of the following: e-mail distribution, HU website, campus publications, and postings and/or activation of the externally hosted emergency notification Omnilert alert system to advise the community of the situation. HU withholds as confidential the names of victims. The same notification system will be used for other campus-wide emergencies/disasters such as fire, weather, or restricted access to buildings.

Members of HU’s community may subscribe to receive emergency notifications text alerts regarding HU closures or emergency/disaster situations that may impact the HU community. You can subscribe to the system, “Omnilert,” through the MyHU portal of HU’s webpage. Enrollees will need to reregister on an annual basis. For additional information on any matters, you will be directed to, or you should go to HU’s website or social media accounts. Subscribers are subject to text message costs assessed by their cell phone provider.

Peer-to-Peer (“P2P”) File Sharing Information Technology Disclosure


The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, under Title IV, Section 285(a)(1)(P) and Section 487(a)(29), effective August 14, 2008, requires the disclosure to users of information technology resources that Harrisburg University of Science and Technology has developed a plan to combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material (including the use of technology-based deterrents) and will, to the extent practicable, offer alternatives to illegal downloading. The illegal distribution of copyrighted material is prohibited and may subject an individual to criminal or civil penalties.

The “Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998” (DMCA) states that copyrighted information is protected and that it is illegal to download, upload, or distribute that information in any fashion. The provisions of this law specify a process to deal with any claimed infringement.

Plans to “Effectively Combat” Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material

P2P traffic is identified via the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) that is integrated within the University’s Cisco ASA 5500 security appliance. In most cases, a client’s connection to the network will be dropped when typical P2P traffic is sensed.

This intrusion system covers the known protocols that popular P2P clients - such as Torrents, Limewire, Bearshare, Kazaa, etc. - utilize to establish connections to potentially transfer files containing copyrighted material. Additionally, the ability for the student to pass files over the Wireless LAN between laptops has been shut down.


Harrisburg University reserves the right to capture, preserve, and/or inspect any information transmitted through, stored on, or used on any IT resource.

Copyright Infringement and Penalties

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under § 106 of the Copyright Act of 1976. These rights include, but are not limited to, the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees, impound the infringing work, and grant temporary and permanent injunctions.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment and fines.

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at: www.copyright.gov, especially the Frequently Asked Questions at www.copyright.gov/help/faq.

Infringement of Digitally Copyrighted Material

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) is federal law that criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM). In addition, the DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright infringement on the Internet.

The designated agent to receive notification of a claimed infringement, in accordance with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, is:

Matthew Point
Director of Compliance
326 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101

If an infringement claim is submitted to the University by a complainant, appropriate action will be taken to identify the student, faculty, or staff member involved in the complaint.

Written notice to the involved individual by email requires the removal of the copyrighted files or documents from the computer containing the material within 72 hours of the formal notice. A reply confirmation is required when corrective action has been taken to remove the illegal files, documents, or other material.

Upon receipt of the material removal confirmation, the designated agent notifies the complainant of the University’s resolution.

If an individual involved in the complaint fails to take the requested corrective action within 72 hours, access to the University’s network will be deactivated. Reactivation to the network can only occur at such time that it is confirmed that corrective action was taken.

Copyright violations may also fall under other University policies and subject to discipline.

Campus ID Card Policy

The Campus ID serves as the University’s student/faculty/staff ID, provides access to campus buildings and events, and serves as the library credential.

While on campus, the Campus ID must be accessible at all times and presented upon request to any faculty member, staff, security personnel, or contracted security personnel.

The Campus ID is the property of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, and all policies and procedures must be observed to retain the privilege of use. The Campus ID is not transferable and is only to be used by faculty, staff, a currently registered student, and other authorized persons.

The Campus ID must be surrendered to the University upon deactivation. A fee may be assessed for any Campus ID that is not returned at the end of the expected period of use.

Campus Card Types

There are three versions of the Campus ID d:

  • Campus ID Card: card contains photo identification, student/employee ID number; and,
  • HID Mobile Credential: A mobile device-based access credential, issued to students in executive format classes; and,
  • Access-Only Campus ID Card: card without photo identification (typically for the short-term student or visitor).

Campus Card Usage

The primary purpose of the Campus ID is to provide easy identification of the ID holder and to permit access to permitted areas of the University campus. The Campus ID also serves as a library credential. It is the responsibility of the ID holder to immediately report suspected lost or stolen IDs to HU Security at HUSecurity@HarrisburgU.edu or by phone at 717-901-5180.

Campus Card Activation

The Campus ID is activated for faculty and staff following formal contractual employment or position appointment.

The Campus ID is activated for a student following admission to the University, payment of the required tuition deposit, and completion of course registration for the semester or other term.

Campus Card Deactivation

The Campus ID is deactivated for faculty and staff following formal cancellation of contractual employment or resignation or termination from the position appointment.

The Campus ID is deactivated for a student following a determination of withdrawal, dismissal, graduation, or other completion of a scheduled period of enrollment.

Student Grievance Policy

A situation, circumstance or incident may occur where a student concludes that they have incurred egregious harm as the direct result of an action caused by a member of the faculty or staff. A student in this circumstance may file a formal grievance against a faculty or staff member of the University to seek administrative redress. Examples of adverse behaviors include but are not limited to: violation of confidentiality; offensive remarks as a deliberate insult individually, in the company of others, or in the classroom; or, inappropriate relationships with the student which cause conflict of interest for either the student or faculty or staff.

A student who is compelled to submit a grievance must obtain a Student Grievance Form from Records and Registration. The form must be completed with an explanation of the facts of the allegation, and attach to it any and all documents, testimonies or petitions supporting the student’s position as evidence. The completed grievance form should be submitted promptly to the Associate Vice President of Student Services.

A grievance cannot be filed on behalf of another person. Grievances may not be used to challenge academic or other policies or procedures of general applicability.

Additional information may be requested from the student while the grievance is being considered. The alleged faculty or staff person is interviewed and asked to sign an affidavit stating facts relative to the alleged incident. Following consultation with the Office of the Provost, a decision shall be rendered by the Associate Vice President of Student Services within five (5) business days of the grievance submission. The student then receives a determination letter.

If the student does not receive a satisfactory remedy relative to the grievance, the student may request a review by a Grievance Committee which consists of: the Associate Vice President of Student Services, who shall act as the Committee Chair, an administrator designated by the Provost, the Chair of the Faculty of the Whole, a member of the Office of Student Services, and a student representative that has no previous knowledge of the matter to be considered. The request for review by the Grievance Committee must be submitted in writing to the Associate Vice President of Student Services. Formal rules of evidence will not apply, and the panel may consider any evidence considered relevant and reliable. A student is permitted to have a representative to assist them during the proceeding; however, the representative may not be an attorney.

The student will be advised of the date and time of the Grievance Committee meeting so that he or she may participate. The Committee shall deliberate and reach a decision on the grievance in closed session and render its resolution regarding the grievance within ten (10) days of its meeting. The student will be notified promptly of the Committee’s resolution in writing.

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy


Harrisburg University offers comprehensive academic programs that emphasize science and technology. Access to information technology is essential to the pursuit and achievement of the University’s instructional, research, administrative and service missions. As such, the use of information technology is a privilege and all members of the University community are expected to be responsible and ethical users of information technology. This policy applies to all technology acquired by or on behalf of Harrisburg University (wherever used) and all technology (however acquired) used on any Harrisburg University resources1.


This policy: 

  1. Promotes the responsible and ethical use of computing, information resources, and/or communication systems, collectively known as “information technology” but hereafter known as “IT,” administered by the Office of Information Services (OIS).
  2. Defines the rights, responsibilities, and standards of conduct for its faculty, administrators, staff, students, and other authorized users with regard to the use of IT.
  3. Explains the appropriate procedures for enforcing any and all misuse of the University’s IT resources and outlines appropriate disciplinary procedures for violating these rules.

1Computers, computer systems, networks, electronic communications systems, institutional or third-party cloud data storage media, facilities, peripherals, servers, routers, switches, equipment, software, files, or accounts.


  1. It is the responsibility of the University faculty, administrators, staff, or student workers to communicate this policy and its contents to any and all users of IT at, or in affiliation with, Harrisburg University. Not being aware of any part of this policy does not excuse the individual from being responsible for its contents.
  2. The Harrisburg University OIS is responsible for the following:
    1. Maintaining user accountability requirements including user identification and authentication, account administration, and password integrity. 
    2. Making every effort to protect the privacy of users and confidentiality of data2
    3. Ensuring fair access to IT. 
    4. Developing and implementing security policies and standards.
  3. All Harrisburg University IT users are responsible for the following:
    1. Acting in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in the use of IT. As such, this use of IT implies consent with any and all applicable university policies and regulations. 
    2. Using IT for authorized university business only. Excessive use of any IT resource for personal use is prohibited. 
    3. Safeguarding data including personal information and passwords. 
    4. Recognizing the limitations to privacy afforded by electronic services. 
    5. Respecting other users and their expectation of privacy, confidentiality, and freedom of expression. 
    6. Taking precautions to prevent the initial occurrence and/or spread of computer viruses. Therefore, network connected resources must utilize university-approved anti-virus software. 
    7. Avoiding any unauthorized or illegal use of IT. This includes but is not limited to the transmission of abusive or threatening material, spam, or communications prohibited by state or federal laws. 
    8. Using IT in compliance with applicable license and purchasing agreements. Each user is individually responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to all licenses, notices, and agreements in connection with IT which he or she uses.


  1. Harrisburg University reserves the right to capture, preserve, and/or inspect any information transmitted through, stored on, or used on any IT resource without notice but especially when:
    1. There is reasonable cause a user has violated this policy. 
    2. A user or an account appears to be engaged in unusual activity. 
    3. It is necessary to protect the integrity, security, or functionality of IT resources. 
    4. It is necessary to protect the University from liability. 
    5. It is permitted or required by law.

2 While Harrisburg University recognizes the importance of (and makes every attempt to achieve) privacy, the University cannot promise privacy of information stored on, or sent through, university-owned systems or resources except for certain information pertaining to student records, research, or other proprietary or patentable materials.

Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures

  1. Any user who violates any part of this policy may be subject to the following:
    1. Suspension or revocation of the user’s computer account and/or suspension or revocation of access to the University’s IT resources. 
    2. Disciplinary action as described in Harrisburg University’s Student Handbook which may include suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from the University. 
    3. Disciplinary procedures outlined in Harrisburg University’s Faculty Handbook or any other documents outlining conduct for faculty, staff, administration, or student employees which may include termination of employment or other disciplinary action. 
    4. Civil or criminal prosecution under federal and/or state law. Noncompliance with certain provisions of this policy may incur penalties under such laws which may include fines, orders of restitution, and imprisonment.
    5. Re-instatement of computer privileges shall be examined on a case-by-case basis.

Procedure to Update and/or Amend

Harrisburg University reserves the right to update and/or amend this document to reflect university policy changes and/or state or federal law.

Credit Card Policy

On July 15, 2004, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania legislature enacted Act 82 of 2004 requiring universities to adopt a policy that regulates credit card marketing.

The Board of Trustees of the University adopted the following statement related to credit card solicitation on October 13, 2004:

“Harrisburg University prohibits the marketing of all forms of credit cards on university property and prohibiting credit card marketers from offering gifts to a student in exchange for completing a credit card application.”

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute which provides civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, State and local government services, and telecommunications. The ADA was designed to remove barriers which prevent qualified individuals with disabilities from enjoying the same opportunities that are available to persons without disabilities. Similar protections are provided by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). 

An applicant or student that requires an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should submit any required documentation in person or by mailing to: Office of Disability Services, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 326 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101. All submitted documentation is confidential. See the Student Handbook for additional details regarding accommodations. If you have questions regarding the documentation policy and guidelines, email Student Services at ada@HarrisburgU.edu.