2024-2025 Graduate Catalog w/ September Addendum 
    Oct 03, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog w/ September Addendum

Academic Policies


Calendar, Credit System and Final Examinations

The University operates on a semester calendar and uses the semester hour credit system. There are two tracks of semesters per twelve-month period: (Fall, Spring, Summer) and (Late Fall, Late Spring, Late Summer). Students cannot cross over between the two tracks. Each semester consists of fourteen weeks of classes.

Credit Hour Policy Program Instructional Equivalencies 

A wide variety of course delivery is utilized. “Learning hours” are assigned to each course. Each “learning hour” represents one hour per week of student engagement, including both instructional and outside-of-class activities. The University reserves the right to change the delivery method of a course due to administrative needs, the health, and safety of the University community, or government mandates.

Traditional 14-week semesters are offered, plus subterms and an accelerated format. Regardless of the format or delivery, all programs, whether online, blended/hybrid, executive weekend, accelerated, subterms, or traditional classrooms, must meet the 126-learning hour requirement for a 3-credit course (3 credits * 3 hours/credit * 14 weeks = 126 hours). Adherence to these regulations enhances the quality and rigor of the academic programs and is achieved by utilizing the “instructional equivalencies” detailed below.

Faculty establish the learning-based interactions (when, where, how, and why), including frequency, duration, evaluation, and assessment techniques. These guidelines recognize the need for the faculty to actively manage the learning space, both inside and outside the classroom. This policy is extremely important in helping faculty in the design and teaching of courses and in student learning. It is the responsibility of the faculty to deliver academic quality regardless of delivery format.

Provided below is an outline of acceptable “Instructional Equivalencies”:



Rate of Equivalency

Blogs, Journals, Logs

Student’s opportunity to apply learned concepts or for reflection on learning experiences; to be shared with instructor and/or classmates for thoughtful analysis, feedback, and assessment.

1 private online posting = ½ learning hour
1 shared online posting (required to read all classmates’ postings) = 1 learning hour

Case studies & problem-solving scenarios

In-depth analysis requiring utilization of higher-order analytical skills that relate to course objectives and is shared with instructor and/or classmates for feedback and assessment.

1 case study analysis & posting = 1-3 learning hour

Required Online Chat rooms for group projects

Instructor-led opportunities for collaborative, synchronous learning with specific expectations for participation & feedback. (Chats are posted for review.)

1-hour online chat = 1 learning hour

Conference calls

Instructor-led opportunities for collaborative, synchronous learning with specific expectations for participation & feedback. (When possible, calls to be recorded for review.)

½ hour call = ½ learning hour

Discussion Board

An instructor-guided or mediated threaded discussion that directly relates to course objectives and which has specified timeframes, expectations for participation, and thoughtful analysis.

1 posting (requires reading all postings) = ½ learning hour
1 posting (requires reading all postings and replying to a minimum of 2) = 1 learning hour

Field trips, tours, and experiential learning (to include virtual tours)

Students participate as individuals or in groups in analyzing an activity & preparing a paper or presentation, to be shared in whole or in part with the instructor and/or classmates.

Instructor-Led - 1-hour tour = 1 learning hour
(Student(s) alone without instructor)- 1-hour tour plus reflection paper = 1 learning hour

Group projects

An instructor-mediated culminating activity with specific learning objectives; students collaborate via email, chat rooms, discussion boards, wikis, and/or face-to-face contact to research, analyze, synthesize, & prepare the project with the instructor receiving periodic updates & providing guidance to the group.

1 hour = 1 learning hour

Guided Project/Thesis

An instructor-mediated culminating individual project/thesis with specific learning objectives; student and instructor collaborate via email, chat, discussion boards, and/or face-to-face to research, analyze & prepare the project/thesis with the instructor receiving periodic updates and providing guidance and feedback.

1 hour = 1 learning hour

In-Class Instruction, Presentations, and Tests

Instruction, presentations, and tests provided in person in a live classroom setting.

1 hour = 1 learning hour

Instructional CDs, Powerpoints, Videos

Instructor-mediated to expand upon and clarify course concepts and objectives.

Reviews & posts response to 1 unit= 1 learning hour

Lecture activity-written or audio

Opportunity for students to develop questions, comments, or observations, to be shared with classmates & instructor through discussion board postings or participation in chat rooms.

Reviews 1 lecture & posts response= 1 learning hour

Library Research

In-depth instructor-led opportunity for students to research scholarly articles or professional journals that relate to course objectives; to be shared with the class in a designated manner.

Research for 1 five-page project = 1 learning hour
Research for 1 3-5-page paper = 1-2 learning hours

Online Quizzes

Opportunity for the instructor to assess students’ subject knowledge and provide feedback on students’ progress.

1-hour test = 1 learning hour

Reflection Paper or Article Review

Instructor-guided activity for students to apply learned concepts and relate practices to personal experiences or apply higher-order analytic skills in assessing scholarly articles or professional journals.

1 private posting = ½ learning hour
1 shared posting (required to read all classmates’ postings) = 1 learning hour

Service Learning Project; Jr and Sr projects, capstone

An instructor-led service project with specific learning objectives that integrates community service with academic study; faculty provides guidance, support, and feedback to students, and students share experiences and reflections with classmates via emails, chats, discussion boards, and/or face-to-face.

1 hour = 1 learning hour


Instructor-led desktop-to-desktop or classroom video streaming instruction for collaborative, synchronous learning with specific expectations for participation and feedback. (i.e., Canvas, Adobe Connect, Skype, etc.)

1 hour = 1 learning hour

Web-Quest (Internet Research)

Instructor-guided opportunity for students to research information on the Internet that enhances student learning and addresses specific course outcomes; findings shared with the instructor and classmates.

1 in-depth posting = 1 learning hour

*Researching, PowerPoint/video reviews, WebQuest activities, reading articles, etc., are considered “homework” assignments. The Rate of Equivalency denoted pertains to posting, reviewing, sharing, and providing student-to-student and/or instructor-to-student feedback.

Adapted from Misericordia University, Dallas, PA, and modified for Harrisburg University.

Catalog in Effect

A new student entering the University during the 2024-2025 academic year will be subject to the academic program requirements contained in this Catalog edition unless the student elects to complete a revised set of program/concentration requirements published in a future edition of the Catalog. The Master-degree student is expected to fulfill the academic requirements in 3 years from the date first enrolled in the program. The Doctorate-degree student is expected to fulfill the academic requirements in 7.5 years from the date first enrolled in the program.  

A student who elects to complete a revised set of program/concentration requirements must notify Records and Registration of this intent by completing a Change of Program form on MyHU. A student that earned 24 credits or more toward their degree requirements cannot change degree programs/concentrations without approval from Records and Registration, in consultation with the faculty advisor justifying academic need.

A student who leaves the University and returns from an absence of one year or more will be subject to the Catalog edition in effect during the year of return.

Enrollment Status

The student is expected to maintain consecutive enrollment, which is defined for certification purposes as either full-time or part-time. Full-time student enrollment is 6 or more semester hours in a semester. Part-time student enrollment is fewer than 6 semester hours in a semester. A student is limited to 6 semester hours for the first semester of enrollment. A student cannot pursue more than one degree at a time.

Consecutive enrollment is expected throughout the program; however, the one-semester break is permitted. F-1 students must meet their status eligibility requirements to take a break. Program lead approval is required if a student requests a second break due to extreme circumstances. Under normal circumstances, if more than one consecutive break is requested, the student would need to withdraw from the program and reapply when ready to return. A student who does not return following a semester break will be unofficially withdrawn and must reapply.

A non-degree student must decide to remain a non-degree student or become a degree-seeking student after completing 12 semester hours of coursework.

An F1 student must remain enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester. A minimum of 3 credit hours must be in-person format classes. Falling below 6 credit hours or failing to meet in-person class requirements is a violation of F1 status and will result in SEVIS record termination.

Registration Process

Students complete registration online at MyHU/Academics. There are written and/or video registration instructions available on MyHU. The start and end dates appear on the Academic Calendar, posted on MyHU/Academics and www.HarrisburgU.edu. Students who require an Americans with Disability Act accommodation to complete registration should contact the Office of Student Services at ADA@HarrisburgU.edu

Course Delivery Modes

The definitions below include text descriptions and icons indicating where the required “seat time” learning hours would occur.

Important Notes:

1.   These definitions are relevant to how a course is scheduled/planned but do not prohibit the flexibility that may need to be implemented to address inclement weather, faculty illness, future quarantine, etc.

2.   Additionally, these definitions do not attempt to define the timing of a course (accelerated, executive, etc.), only the modality through which it is delivered.

For example, the bulk of our grad courses with executive weekends would be considered “Hybrid” given their combination of weekly Teams meetings and monthly executive sessions in person in the same way that an undergraduate course which meets virtually M&W and in person on F would also be considered “hybrid.”

Directed Studies

A student requesting a directed study for a course from this catalog must obtain a Directed Study Request form from Records and Registration. The student must provide a rationale for requesting the directed study before approval can be granted by Records and Registration. The following guidelines are required for a directed study:

  1. Directed studies are open to students with 24 or more credits completed.
  2. Directed studies must be necessary. Directed studies are deemed necessary if a student needs a specific course in their program to graduate that can only be met through a directed study.
  3. A student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 to request a directed study.
  4. A student may not take more than 6 credits of independent study or directed study from one faculty member.
  5. The program lead and the student’s faculty advisor must agree to offer the directed study.

Add/Drop Period and Course Withdrawals

The Add/Drop Period begins on the first day of the semester or subterm and ends after 6 days of classes have occurred (this includes Saturday). A student may make schedule adjustments during the Add/Drop period on MyHU, or in the Records and Registration office. No course may be added after the end of this period. If a student withdraws from any course after the conclusion of this period and up until the last day to withdraw from a course with a “W”, a final grade of “W” will appear on the permanent record. After that period, a “WF” will appear on the permanent record. The withdrawal deadlines appear on the Academic Calendar for both semesters and subterms.

F1 students wishing to drop or withdraw from a course must first consult with the International Student Office to determine eligibility. F1 students must remain enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester. A minimum of 3 credit hours must be in-person format classes. Falling below 6 credit hours or failing to meet in-person class requirements is a violation of F1 status and will result in SEVIS record termination.

Audit Policy

The student may choose to participate in a course on an audit basis. The student who elects this option is expected to attend and participate in class regularly and complete all course requirements. The course being audited carries no academic credit but is recorded on the student’s academic record and will receive a Pass (P) or No Pass (NP) grade at the conclusion of the course. The student wanting to audit a course must notify Records and Registration in writing no later than the end of the Add/Drop Period. The per semester hour tuition rate applies to audited courses. An audited course cannot be subsequently taken for credit.

Class Attendance 

Attendance is critical to academic success, and we encourage all students to attend every scheduled class session. Regular attendance is essential for students to fully engage with course materials, participate in classroom discussions, and collaborate with classmates. By attending class consistently, students demonstrate their commitment to their education and are more likely to achieve their academic goals. Therefore, we strongly recommend that all students prioritize attendance and make every effort to attend every class session.

All students are expected to regularly demonstrate academic engagement within each class. It is the instructor’s responsibility to set forth, in writing, any special conditions regarding absences from the course at the beginning of a course and the impact on student grades. In many classes, participation in class constitutes a substantial part of the work of the course. Faculty should clarify in the course syllabus how students are expected to demonstrate academic engagement.

Excessive Absences

When a student fails to participate to such an extent that their own progress or that of the class or group is seriously impaired, they may be at risk of being academically withdrawn from the course.  

If, in the judgment of the instructor, a student is absent consecutively from class for more than two weeks and fails to complete the requested participatory assignments:

  1. the instructor will notify the student of this determination;
  2. the student will have one week to meet with the instructor to address the situation; and
  3. if the student fails to do so, the instructor will notify Records and Registration to recommend withdrawing the student from the course.

Online Courses

Students in an online course must participate in the course weekly, either by submitting assignments or doing discussion posts, quizzes, tests, chats, or team sessions, to be considered in attendance. Logging in and viewing course material is not considered participation. Students that do not participate in their online course within any 14-day period may be administratively withdrawn from their courses.

F1 Students

HU international undergraduate students in F-1 status are required by United States immigration laws to be continually enrolled in a full-time status. At HU, this requires maintaining a minimum twelve-credit course load in every semester of enrollment.

Per SEVIS guidelines, F-1 students must attend their classes for every scheduled in-person session in which they are registered as well as maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by HU’s undergraduate catalog.

Verification of Enrollment

At the beginning of each term, Records and Registration verifies the course enrollments of all students. Only students officially registered for a course may attend class. Any student attending class but not appearing on the roster must be added to the class before the end of the add/drop period. Faculty should notify Records and Registration if a student is in attendance but does not appear on the course roster.

Students must demonstrate academic engagement during the add/drop period. Failure to participate, may result in the courses being dropped and the student exited from the program.

Inclement Weather Notice

In the event of inclement weather, HU does not post routine delayed openings, early departures, or closures due to weather with local media outlets.

Students, faculty, and staff should dial 717-901-5199 to access HU’s operating schedule commonly called “HU Snowline.” Should HU open late, close early, cancel activities, or close for the day due to inclement weather or for any other emergency, a message will be left on HU’s voicemail at that number. Additionally, HU will post any changes to its operating schedule on the main page of its website, www.harrisburgu.edu, and update social media outlets.

If HU remains open during or following a weather-related event or other emergency, it is up to each student and employee to make a reasonable decision about whether to travel. Safety and common sense should guide decisions. Students are expected to notify their faculty, and employees are expected to notify their supervisors if they are not reporting to class/work. HU will not make personal calls to students or employees. HU will follow all City of Harrisburg and/or Commonwealth mandated emergency procedures in the event of a weather-related emergency.

Additionally, HU will follow all City of Philadelphia mandated emergency procedures as updated on the Ready Philadelphia/ Office of Emergency Management website: ReadyPhiladelphia | Office of Emergency Management | City of Philadelphia.

Harrisburg University Unplanned Closure Statement

When faced with the unplanned physical closure of Harrisburg University (326 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, and other physical locations) due to inclement weather or other circumstances, it is understood that teaching and learning will continue. Faculty will decide whether course work will be conducted in asynchronous or synchronous (or combined) format, with equal or greater ‘learning hours’ to that of the traditional session. Asynchronous format refers to course work that can be done by students independent of the instructor or other students. Synchronous format refers to sessions held in real time involving the students and instructor.

Attendance Policy for F-1 Students

HU international graduate students in F-1 immigration status are required by United States immigration laws to be continually enrolled in a full-time status. At HU, this requires maintaining a six-credit course load every semester of enrollment.

Per SEVIS guidelines, F-1 students must attend their classes for every scheduled executive session in which they are registered (as well as maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by HU’s graduate catalog). An F-1 student who misses any classes of an executive format session during a semester will be marked absent and reported to the International Student Office (ISO).

When notified, the ISO will take the following steps to address attendance issues:

First absence in a semester: the ISO will send a warning email to the student and the student’s employer if the student has work authorization. If the student requires a legally permissible medical reduced course load (RCL), it is the student’s responsibility to file a request with the ISO before a second absence. Should the student’s request for medical RCL be denied, the student is expected to attend all remaining executive sessions to maintain F-1 status.

Second absence in a semester: The student’s SEVIS record will be terminated if no medical RCL was approved. An email will be sent to the student and the student’s employer if the student has work authorization, notifying them of the SEVIS record termination and termination of work authorization. The student will be required to depart the United States immediately. If a student desires to file for reinstatement or an alternative immigration status after termination in SEVIS, it is the student’s responsibility to secure and pay for private immigration counsel to assess what options are available to regain a legally recognized immigration status, as well as take appropriate legal steps to achieve a recognized immigration status.

Advanced Standing

A master-degree student may earn advanced standing at the University. A doctorate-degree student is not eligible for advanced standing, however transfer credit for graduate-level courses in the Doctorate program could be granted in agreeance with below graduate transfer credit rules. Advanced standing can be earned in one of three ways: transfer of credit from another institution, the awarding of credit for military training, or prior learning assessment. The parameters for doing so are:

  • limit to twelve (12) credits of combination between six (6) graduate transfer credits and prior learning assessment (in any combination);
  • limit to six (6) credits of transfer credits and/or prior learning assessment for the core (capstone courses not eligible); and
  • limit to six (6) credits of transfer credits and/or prior learning assessment for electives.

Armed Services Training Programs - Under the following conditions, a student may receive academic credit for training programs completed while serving in the U. S. Armed Services: 1) the student must present a copy of the discharge notice (completed DD-214 form); 2) the veteran’s military occupational specialty (MOS) designation must appear on the discharge; and, 3) the student’s MOS is described in the American Council on Education’s Educational Experiences in The Armed Services volumes 1-3. Credit is awarded based on the ACE recommendation and the closeness of the match between the training program and a University course.

American Council on Education (ACE) - HU works with ACE recommendations to provide services for adult learners. Within the ACE Center, the College Credits Recommendation Service (CREDIT), connects workplace learning with colleges and universities. CREDIT does this by helping adults get academic credit, whenever possible, for courses and examinations taken outside traditional channels.

Transfer Credit - Unofficial or student copies of transcripts may be used to initiate the transfer credit evaluation process. However, official final transcripts from the institution of origin are required before the transfer evaluation process can be finalized by Records and Registration, and academic credit is posted to the student’s permanent record. The following limitations apply:

  • transfer credit is limited to six (6) semester hours from another graduate program;
  • the credit must have been earned with final grades of “B” or higher;
  • the credit must be reviewed by the student’s program advisor and Records & Registration;
  • the credit must have been earned no more than five (5) years prior to the student’s initial enrollment date in Harrisburg University’s program; and,
  • a course completed for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) is not eligible for transfer credit consideration.

Domestic -Academic credit earned for graduate work completed for a minimum grade of “B” or higher will be awarded if: 1) the course is a reasonable substitute for a University course or 2) the course(s) is considered graduate-level work worthy of elective credit in the student’s program of study.

International - A World Education Services (WES) transcript evaluation, Educational Credential Evaluation (ECE), or AACRAO’s Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE) transcript evaluation is required. If the original evaluation received by Records and Registration from one of these evaluators deems the student’s prior work to be at the graduate level and the quality of the completed work is assessed to be at the “B” or higher level, credit is awarded for the courses that apply to the student’s intended program of study at Harrisburg University as indicated above for domestic transfer credit. If the prior work was earned under an educational system that did not assign credit values, a semester hour value is assigned for each accepted course. If the student completed courses that are evaluated to be at the graduate level, but Harrisburg University has no comparable course(s), the student is granted elective credit unless all required elective credit hours have been satisfied.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) - a massive open online course is an online course targeting large-scale interactive participation and is delivered via open access on the web. A MOOC that is successfully completed will be reviewed and considered for transfer credit.

Coursework at Other Institutions - A student may study at other institutions and transfer the credit to the student’s record at Harrisburg University.

Process for Approval - The student must complete an Off-campus Coursework Form at Records and Registration notifying the University of the student’s intention to enroll on a visiting basis at another higher educational institution. The request will be reviewed by Records and Registration, who may consult with an appropriate member of the University’s faculty. Prior to enrollment, a written response will be sent to the student stating whether or not the proposed course is acceptable.

Process for Awarding of Credit - The student must arrange for an official transcript from the other college or university to be sent to Harrisburg University’s Records and Registration office. If the approved course was completed with a final grade of “B” or higher, the semester hours earned from the course will be posted to the student’s record at the University.

Prior Learning Assessment - The University may award graduate academic credit for prior knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired through non-accredited and work-related learning experience equivalent to:

  • the outcomes of a specific course; and,
  • the outcomes of graduate-level work not currently offered at the University.

The experience and evidence provided should have a direct relation to the material taught in a course in the University’s curriculum and should extend over a sufficient period to provide substantive knowledge in the relevant area. A Master of Science degree-seeking student who is in good academic standing, has completed a minimum of 6 semester hours in a program of study at Harrisburg University, and demonstrates the qualities to receive such credit may petition the Provost through the academic advisor for consideration of prior learning assessment.

The petition must include the following:

  • a detailed description of the relevant experience;
  • appropriate supporting evidence directly linked to course objectives;
  • the equivalent University program, course number, and title; and,
  • the number of semester hours sought.

A student may not receive more than 6 semester hours related to the program based upon prior learning assessment.

The prior learning assessment process is a way to demonstrate to a mentor, who is an expert in the field, graduate-level knowledge in a particular course area. These skills and knowledge may be from applicable work experience, volunteer activities, training programs, hobbies, religious activities, homemaking skills, prior independent reading, or notable accomplishments. This process is not an independent study.

Working with a mentor, the student is guided to develop an online, electronic portfolio to demonstrate prior graduate-level learning. The student can choose between standard prior learning assessment and individualized prior learning assessment. Standard prior learning assessment is an option when existing course descriptions and learning objectives match the learning that the student wants to demonstrate. Individualized prior learning assessment occurs when the student proposes a course description and learning objectives that do not currently exist in the course catalog for Harrisburg University.

Prior learning assessment cannot be awarded for physical education courses, field experiences, student teaching, cooperative education, practicum courses, internships, projects, seminars, independent study, or laboratories. It is important for the student to understand that life and learning experiences alone are an inadequate basis for the award of prior learning credit. To be eligible for prior learning assessment, the outcomes of the non-collegiate learning experience must be documented, be applicable to the student’s program of study, be directly related to a course’s learning objectives, and be assessed as being similar to or meeting the requirements of learning gained through college-level learning experiences.

Approval of prior learning credit must be made in writing by the academic advisor, the appropriate faculty member, and the Provost. Capstone credits are not eligible for prior learning assessment. A per semester hour charge is incurred by the student for the number of semester hours sought under prior learning assessment.

For more information about prior learning assessment, contact Records and Registration.

Transfer Credit Appeal

A student who wishes to appeal a transfer credit decision may submit a copy of the syllabus from the course in question to Records and Registration no later than 30 days from the date of the transfer evaluation. Appeals will be reviewed and granted or denied by the program lead and amended on the student’s record. When cases of unusual or extenuating circumstances occur, a student may appeal the transfer credit decision beyond the 30-day limit.

Alternative Work Study/Applied Studies

Masters Degree Program  

Doctorate Degree Program   

Overview of the Program

Masters Degree Program  

Doctorate Degree Program  

Graduation Requirements

Masters Degree Program  

Doctorate Degree Program  

Requirements for Earning a Second Masters Degree

A person who has earned a master’s degree from HU or another accredited college or university may earn a second master’s degree by meeting the following requirements:

  1. A student may not pursue a second degree under the same program of study (e.g., if a student already has earned a M.S. in Learning Technologies, the student cannot pursue a second M.S. in Learning Technologies). If the second program requires more than three course waivers (or two transfer courses and one waiver), the student will need to select a different program.
  2. The student must satisfactorily meet all graduation requirements for the second-degree program.
  3. A minimum of 30 additional graduate course semester hours within the second degree’s program must be successfully completed at HU.
  4. No course already successfully taken in the first-degree program may be repeated in the second degree.
  5. Six credits may be transferred from the first master’s degree to fulfill graduation requirements for the second master’s degree. These will not count toward the 30-semester hour residency minimum.

The Request for Second Masters Degree Form must be completed and submitted to Records and Registration at least two weeks before the start of the semester.  

Finalizing the Academic Record

The university confers degrees at the end of each of the six semesters (Fall, Late Fall, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, and Late Summer). All final grades and official transcripts for applicable transfer work must be received in order for a degree conferral to occur. According to university policy and federal reporting requirements, degrees must be conferred and finalized once a student has fulfilled all requirements. 

Once the degree is conferred, the academic record is considered complete and final. No further changes will be made unless there is a documented clerical error, or the student successfully appeals an academic grievance. It is the responsibility of the student to notify Records and Registration of a clerical error within 30 days of the conferral date.

Course repeats for the purpose of bolstering the final degree GPA are not permitted after a degree is conferred. No transfer work will be accepted after the degree is conferred. 

A student may not retroactively seek to have additional majors or concentrations added to a degree after it has been posted. However, a student may seek readmission as either a non-degree seeking student or as a second degree seeker after their initial degree has been conferred.

Grades and Grading

Grade Scale

Grades are awarded to each student for academic credit completed at the University. A grade is assigned by the instructor responsible for the course in which the student is enrolled, using the following grading scale to indicate the quality of the student’s academic work.

Masters Degree Grading Scale:



Numerical Value


Superior achievement



Average achievement



Minimum achievement






Fail - Disciplinary




Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable


In progress

Not applicable



Not applicable


No Pass

Not applicable


Not reported

Not applicable



Not applicable


Prior Learning Assessment

Not applicable


Transfer credit

Not applicable


Transferred credit earned with superior achievement

Not applicable



Not applicable


Transferred credit earned with above-average achievement

Not applicable



Not applicable

TP Transfer Pass Not applicable
TS Transfer Satisfactory Not applicable



Not applicable


Administrative withdrawal

Not applicable


Withdrawal after the period to withdraw with a “W” grade



Doctorate Degree Grading Scale:



Numerical Value


Superior achievement



Average achievement






Fail - Disciplinary




Not applicable


Doctoral Studies Complete

Not applicable



Not applicable


Doctoral Studies Continued

Not applicable



Not applicable


In progress

Not applicable


No Pass

Not applicable


Not reported

Not applicable



Not applicable

TR Transfer credit Not applicable
TA Transferred credit earned with superior achievement Not applicable
TB Transferred credit earned with above-average achievement Not applicable
TP Transfer Pass Not applicable
TS Transfer Satisfactory Not applicable



Not applicable


Administrative withdrawal

Not applicable


Withdrawal after the period to withdraw with a “W” grade


Grade Definitions

Grades of “AU”, “CD”, “CR”, “CX”, “I”, “IP”, “LB”, “NP”, “NR”, “P”, “PLA”, “TR”, “TA”, “TA-“, “TB+”, “TB”, “TP”, “TS”, “W”, or “WA” are not included in the calculation of a student’s grade point average (GPA). These grades are used by the University in circumstances when grades of “A” through “F” are not appropriate. “WF” and “FD” grades are calculated into the student’s GPA. The credit type of AD is not included in the calculation of the grade point average.

Audit (AU) - The audit grade is assigned by the instructor when the student has properly registered to audit the course and has met all requirements of the University’s course audit policy.

Doctoral Studies Complete (CD) - A grade of “CD” is used to indicate doctoral studies are complete.

Credit (CR) - A grade of “CR” is used to indicate on the student’s permanent record that credit has been awarded by the University for military training or successful completion of an examination. While courses with a “CR” grade are counted toward the student’s degree requirements, there are no quality points associated with this grade, so there is no impact upon calculating the student’s grade point average.

Doctoral Studies Continued (CX) - A grade of “CX” is used to indicate that doctoral studies are in progress.

Incomplete (I) - Inability to complete coursework due to documented circumstances beyond the student’s control (such as severe illness) may, at the discretion of the instructor, result in a temporary grade of incomplete (I). It is the responsibility of the student to work with the instructor to complete the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form and submit the completed and signed form to Records and Registration. Students are required to make up all the outstanding course material as negotiated per the Incomplete Grade Agreement. However, all work must be completed by the end of the Add/Drop Period of the subsequent semester. If all work is not completed by that time, the “I” grade will convert to a grade of “F”. Extensions may be granted by the instructor with approval from Records and Registration. 

In Progress (IP) - This is a deferred grade assigned by the instructor to be used for research projects, internships, independent study, directed study, etc., when it is understood that the course will extend over more than one semester. An “IP” grade should be accompanied by a written plan and a schedule for completing the course within a specified time period to be no longer than 12 months. If all work is not completed by that time, the “IP” grade will convert automatically to a grade of “F”.

Laboratory (LB) - This grade is assigned by Records and Registration at the conclusion of a semester to a student who is enrolled in a non-credit developmental recitation section of a course. This grade and such a course do not appear on the student’s transcript.

No Pass (NP) - The “NP” grade is assigned by the instructors for a student who does not successfully complete a course that is designated as a course that will be graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.

Not Reported (NR) - The temporary grade of “NR” is recorded by Records and Registration when the instructor does not report a grade for the student for the course. Records and Registration will advise the Provost when an “NR” grade has been recorded for the student and will work with the student and the instructor to determine why a grade was not reported.

Pass (P) - The “P” grade is assigned by instructors for a student who successfully completes a course that is designated as a course that will be graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. A “P” grade indicates a grade of C or higher.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) - The “PLA” grade is used to indicate credit that has been awarded by the University for prior learning. Although a course completed with a “PLA” grade is applied toward the student’s degree requirements, no quality points are associated with this grade so there is no impact upon calculating the student’s grade point average.

Transfer (TR) - A grade of “TR” is used to indicate on the student’s transcript a block of credit earned at another institution that will count toward the degree at Harrisburg University.

Transfer with Grade Notation (Txx) - A grade of “Txx” is used to indicate on the student’s transcript each course that has been successfully completed at another institution and that has been accepted toward the degree at Harrisburg University.

Withdrawal (W) - This grade is recorded by Records and Registration when the student has withdrawn from the course according to the policy set forth by the University for withdrawing from a course.

Administrative Withdrawal (WA) - The “WA” grade can be assigned only by the Provost or other designated official. It is used under extenuating circumstances and when the normal withdrawal process is not available to the student. A request for administrative withdrawal with accompanying documentation will be submitted to Records and Registration. The “WA” grade can be submitted at any time during the semester.

Withdrawal Fail (WF) - This grade is recorded by Records and Registration when the student has withdrawn from the course after the period a student can withdraw with a “W” grade.

Fail - Disciplinary (FD) - The “FD” grade can be assigned only by the Provost or other designated official. This grade is used when a student earns a failing grade due to academic dishonesty. A request for the FD grade with accompanying documentation will be submitted to Records and Registration, at which point the student will be withdrawn from the course. This grade can be submitted at any time during the semester.

Grade Point Averages

A grade point average (GPA) is a statistical calculation of a student’s performance in a semester. The semester grade point average summarizes the student’s performance during that academic term, and the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) summarizes the student’s performance during semesters completed at the University. All credit-bearing courses completed by the student are calculated into the student’s CGPA.

Calculation of the Semester Grade Point Average


Sem. Hrs. Attempted


Numerical Value

Quality Points

Course A





Course B










Total Quality Points = 21/6 = 3.5

  1. Compute the quality points earned for each course by multiplying the semester hours attempted for the course by the numerical value of the grade earned in the course. Example: A student registered for a course worth 3 semester hours who earns a final grade of “A” in that course will earn 12 quality points for that course (3 semester hours x 4.0).
  2. Add the quality points earned for each course in which the student is registered for the semester.
  3. Add the number of semester hours attempted for all courses in which a grade of “A” through “F” was earned.
  4. Divide the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted. The result is the grade point average for the semester.

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is determined in a similar way using the cumulative attempted semester hours and cumulative quality points earned. GPA and CGPA are truncated to the hundredths.

Incomplete Grade

A grade of Incomplete (I) is a discretionary decision. The guidelines for incomplete grades are:

  • The Incomplete Grade may be assigned if the student’s work is of non-failing quality and there is a reasonable likelihood that the student will complete the course material.
  • The student must have extenuating circumstances such as an illness, accident, serious personal problems, etc.
  • The student and faculty should work together to complete and sign the Incomplete Grade Agreement and then submit the completed form to Records and Registration.
  • The Incomplete Grade Agreement must include the reason for the Incomplete grade, the outstanding work, and the submission deadlines. 
  • The deadline in the agreement is up to the discretion of the instructor but should be prior to the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent semester. 
  • Instructors must obtain approval for any extensions from Records and Registration.
  • Once the outstanding work has been submitted, Faculty must submit a Change of Grade Form to Records and Registration for the grade to be updated. 
  • If the outstanding work is not submitted by the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent semester, the instructor should submit a Change of Grade Form so that the grade is changed from the I grade to the grade earned in the course.  
  • If the instructor fails to submit the change of grade form two weeks after the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent semester, Records and Registration will update the Final grade to an F. 

Repeated Courses

Masters Degree Program  

Doctorate Degree Program  

Course Substitutions

In situations where a student’s progression may be impacted or a course substitution may align with the student’s research or career development, a faculty advisor may request a course substitution. Course substitutions for Experiential Learning requirements, would need to meet the appropriate designated Experiential Learning course options which have been approved by Curriculum Committee.

Guidelines for Consideration

  1. The student is expected to satisfy the requirements of the declared program of study and all other required University degree requirements for the academic year the student is pursuing as a degree candidate.
  2. The course to be substituted should be in the same area as the required course or in a closely related area.
  3. Substitution of a course for a previously failed required course is seldom granted.
  4. Failure to schedule a required course is not sufficient reason for granting permission for a course substitution.
  5. Student must have successfully completed or be in progress of the course being considered for substitution.

Steps for Requesting Course Substitution 

  1. Initiation of Request
    • The faculty academic advisor identifies the need for a course substitution based on the student’s individual circumstances.
    • The faculty academic advisor discusses the proposed substitution with the student to ensure understanding and agreement.
  2. Documentation
    • The faculty academic advisor prepares a written request for course substitution, including the following details:
      1. Student’s name and student HU ID number.
      2. Course requiring substitution.
      3. Proposed substitute course.
      4. Rationale for the substitution, including any relevant supporting documentation.
  3. Submission to Records and Registration​​​​​
    • The completed course substitution request, along with all supporting documentation, is submitted to Records and Registration at RegHelp@Harrisburgu.edu
  4. ​​Review Process​
    • ​​Records and Registration reviews the course substitution request to ensure compliance with university policies.
    • Records and Registration may consult with relevant academic functional areas as needed to evaluate the academic appropriateness of the proposed substitution.
    • The decision of Records and Registration is communicated to the faculty academic advisor and the student in writing.​​​ 
  5. Implementation
    • ​​If the course substitution is approved, Records and Registration updates the student’s academic record accordingly.
    • The faculty academic advisor ensures that the student is aware of any additional requirements or steps resulting from the approved substitution.

Academic Standing Policy

A graduate student with a cumulative grade point average (CPGA) of 3.00 or higher is in satisfactory academic standing. A student whose CGPA falls below 3.00 is not in satisfactory academic standing and will be placed on academic probation. A student who fails to make satisfactory academic progress at the end of a semester is subject to warning, probation, or dismissal according to the following policy: 
First Occurrence - Warning 
Following the first semester in which the student does not meet the satisfactory academic progress standard, the student will automatically be placed on academic warning for the next semester. A letter will be issued advising the student of their academic warning status. No appeal is needed, but in consultation with the Office of Student Services, an academic plan may be required. 
Second Consecutive Occurrence - Probation
If, by the end of the warning semester, the student is not able to achieve satisfactory academic progress status, a letter will be issued placing the student on academic probation status for the next semester. The student should work with the Office of Student Services to determine an academic plan to improve the student’s CGPA.   

Third Consecutive Occurrence - Dismissal
If a student, after three consecutive semesters, has a CGPA that remains below 3.00 or fails to meet the program pursuit percentage, a letter of dismissal will be issued.  

Failure to Make Academic Progress - A student that fails to make any academic progress and have a cumulative GPA of 0.00 after two semesters will be dismissed and have the opportunity to appeal as outlined below.

Dismissal Appeals - A student who is dismissed as a result of failure to meet satisfactory academic progress, may file an academic appeal by submitting a letter outlining the nature of the appeal to the Office of Student Services within five (5) days from notification of dismissal. An appeal will be considered only if the student’s failure to meet the standards of academic progress is determined to be due to events beyond the student’s control. Examples of circumstances for which an appeal may be considered include military obligation; the death of a relative; injury or illness of the student; unusual personal hardship or other extenuating circumstances. Written documentation of the circumstances of why the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed that will allow the student to make satisfactory progress by the next evaluation must be submitted with the appeal and should reference the student’s name and student ID number. In addition, the evidence must be received documenting that the cumulative grade point average has improved, and the required satisfactory progress grade point average can potentially be achieved to complete a program of study within the maximum timeframe limitation. Appeals submitted without documentation will not be considered. A timely determination will then be made and documented in the student’s file.

If the academic appeal is denied, a second notice will be sent to the student advising that their appeal was denied. If the academic appeal is approved, a semester of academic probation will be awarded, and the student will be notified in writing that their appeal was approved. The student must achieve satisfactory academic progress by the end of the probation semester.

If, after the academic probation semester, a student is still not making satisfactory academic progress, but the evidence is provided showing academic improvement, the cumulative grade point average has improved, and the required satisfactory academic progress grade point average can potentially be achieved within the maximum time frame limitation required by federal regulations then a second probation semester may be granted.

Final Grade Appeal

A final grade is assigned by the instructor upon completion of coursework to earn credit during a semester or other term. A student who disagrees with the final grade assigned by the instructor should first contact the faculty member directly to resolve the grade dispute informally. The student that cannot approach the faculty member because of perceived discrimination, cannot reach the faculty member, or has received a response with which the student still disagrees, may seek remedy using an evidence-based argument, with any supplemental documentation, within five (5) days after grades are posted on one of the following grounds:

  • Discrimination: defined as unfair treatment or assignment of grade on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, handicapped status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.
  • Capricious evaluation: defined as a significant or unjustified departure from grading procedures outlined in the course syllabus or by the University or arbitrary assignment of grades. Capricious evaluation cannot be claimed if a student merely disagrees with the subjective evaluation of the instructor.
  • Errors: including clerical errors or errors in grade calculations that can be demonstrated in an objective manner.

A student who chooses to appeal a grade must email the Office of Student Success at studentsuccess@harrisburgu.edu with an explanation forming the basis of the appeal. All documentation for the appeal should be attached in an organized manner with a detailed explanation of the rationale for the appeal. A final grade appeal must be initiated on or before the fifth (5th) business day after grades are posted, or other terms as specified in the Academic Calendar posted on MyHU.

The Office of Student Services will review the Final Grade Appeal. The Office of Student Services may ask for additional information for the student, instructor, or program lead and will access Canvas to verify any student submissions or faculty comments.

  • If the original final grade is improved and satisfies the student’s appeal, the instructor or program lead shall submit a Grade Change Form to Records and Registration, the grade will be posted, and the academic record hold status will be released.
  • If the original final grade is reaffirmed and both the instructor and student agree with the grade determination, the Office of Student Services will notify Records and Registration confirming the original grade.
  • If the Office of Student Services upholds the original grade, the student may request a review of the grade appeal investigation report by the Office of the Provost in email to studentsuccess@harrisburgu.edu. The determination by the Provost or designee will be final.
  • If a student would like to appeal a grade during the semester, students should approach the faculty member to resolve this informally. All documentation should be saved. If at the time the final grades is insufficient, the student can file a formal appeal at that time.

Withholding of Records

Student records may be withheld by Records and Registration when directed by the appropriate University officials. More specifically, the student’s diploma will not be released, and a student may not be able to register for courses if tuition or other charges remain unpaid to the University. Additionally, a student cannot register for courses while the hold is on their record. The Office of Student Services determines when a student’s record should be placed on hold for disciplinary reasons, and the Business Office determines when a student’s record should be placed on hold for financial reasons.

Official Withdrawal from the University Procedure 

A student is encouraged to contact the Financial Aid and Business Offices in advance of any decision to withdraw from the University to obtain an explanation of the tuition and financial aid adjustments that will occur, if any, as the result of withdrawal from the program of study.

A student on an F-1 Visa should contact the International Student Office prior to submitting a withdrawal form to understand the impact it may have on their SEVIS status.

A student who intends to officially withdraw is encouraged to complete the Withdrawal Form via MyHU. Should a student have any questions, please contact Records and Registration by telephone (717.901.5136), RegHelp Student Portal at reghelp.harrisburgu.edu/, or in person.

The determination date for withdrawal purposes shall be the actual date of formal notification by the student. The determination date is used to calculate the tuition refund, if any, and the student financial assistance program refund, if applicable. Withdrawn courses cannot be reinstated.

Military Personnel Called to Active Duty Policy

If a student is called to active duty by the National Guard or the reserve forces of the United States during an active semester, they should provide documentation of their call to active duty to the Certifying Official. The below procedure will then apply:  

1. Course Registration/Grades: The student will be given the option to have courses dropped or an “I” (Incomplete) grade assigned to each of their courses. The assigning of an “Incomplete” is by mutual consent of the faculty member and the student, and an appropriate completion date is to be assigned. If the active duty call occurs late in the term, the faculty member also has the option of assigning a final grade rather than the “I” grade.

2. Tuition: Tuition charges will be canceled or refunded in full‐ for all courses dropped. Courses in which the grade of “I” or a final grade is assigned will have applicable tuition assessed. The student must coordinate with the Certifying Official to address any overpayment or other financial considerations with Veterans Administration funding  

3. Housing:  If the student resides in campus housing, they should initiate a discussion with Residence Life Staff.  

4. Student Record:  The Student record will be kept active for one year from the later of the following dates, after which the student would be eligible for re‐admission: ‐ Effective date of the dropped course(s)  ‐ End of the final completed semester ‐ Latest deadline of assigned “I” grade

Medical Withdrawal

A student requesting to withdraw for medical reasons must complete a medical leave request through the Office of Student Services by contacting StudentServices@HarrisburgU.edu or 717.901.5102. Student services will obtain official documentation from a doctor supporting the student’s request. To return from medical leave, the student must provide student services with documentation from a doctor supporting the student’s return. The student will have up to a year to return without having to apply for readmission.

An F1 student wishing to drop or withdraw from a course for medical reasons must first consult with the International Student Office for options.

Unofficial Withdrawal

A student who discontinues attendance in all courses during a semester and who does not officially withdraw from the University is considered to have unofficially withdrawn. The determination date for unofficial withdrawals shall be the end of the semester unless other evidence is provided to Records and Registration. There are serious Title IV, H&A federal student financial aid program implications for a student who unofficially withdraws.

An F1 student who unofficially withdraw will have their SEVIS record terminated immediately.

Standards of Academic Integrity

Harrisburg University expects a student to act honorably and in accordance with the standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is grounded in mutual trust and respect. Therefore, it is expected that a student will respect the rights of others and will only submit work that is their own, refraining from all forms of lying, cheating, and plagiarism.

Disciplinary/Academic Dismissal

The University reserves the right to expel or suspend at any time a student who has misrepresented any part of their admission materials, whose academic record is unsatisfactory, or whose behavior or conduct is found to be detrimental to the orderly functioning of the University. When misconduct may constitute a threat to a person or property within the University community or under other circumstances, it may result in disciplinary review action. The University assumes the responsibility to regulate the private conduct of the student when such conduct could constitute a hazard to or an infringement on the rights of others, a violation of the law, of University policy or instructions, or a disruption of the legitimate academic and administrative processes of the University. Please see the Student Handbook for details on the policies regarding the Code of Conduct, Academic Code of Conduct, or Sexual Misconduct Policies.

If an F-1 student is dismissed from Harrisburg University, their SEVIS record will be terminated.